Eyemouth Medical Practice
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Eyemouth Medical Practice
We are a dynamic, progressive team providing primary care to residents of Eyemouth, Burnmouth, Ayton, Coldingham, Reston, Grantshouse, Cockburnspath and surrounding areas. The practice has two surgeries to deliver care close to our more rural areas. We provide a drug dispensing service from our branch surgery in Coldingham to the residents of Reston, Coldingham, St Abbs and Cockburnspath.

We aim to provide personal, patient centered care whilst liaising closely with health and social care colleagues for the benefit of local residents. We hope this website is a helpful resource and demonstrates our determination to modernize the way in which we interact with the community we serve. Dear Patient, below you will find a copy of the letter sent out to patients from the Borders NHS relative to the Coldingham surgery and dispensary.
We are incredibly proud to have a genuinely amazing selection of staff and team as a whole.
You can find more information about who makes the practice up and put a face to the name of our GP's.
I think this is a great area and I am really enjoying living the Borders lifestyle.
At the weekend you may catch me out on my bike, walking along the coastal paths or trying to tame the garden.
I joined the practice, following a brief spell of working in Australia, to be closer to family.
I have an interest in family medicine, mental health, diabetes and minor surgery.
All GP practices are contracted to provide "essential services", that is, basic treatment of ill people.
Specialist services such as coil insertion and contraceptive implants are provided by appointment with some qualified clinicians.
Regular monitoring, by blood and urine tests, for patients on a range of drugs for arthritis, bowel problems and warfarin.
Chronic disease reviews for patients with diabetes, asthma, COPD and other long-term conditions.
Some consultants from Borders General Hospital hold clinics at Eyemouth in the Day Hospital.
We are very proud to have some of the finest staff and health professionals working with us at the practice.
We are equally proud to have a low staff turnover which provides consitancy for patiets.
The Scottish Borders are blessed with some truly stunning scenery.
Arguably the jewel in the crown is Berwickshire with its rolling hills and picturesque coast-line.
It's an ideal place for all kinds of outdoor pursuits, has an incredibly rich history and some of the warmest and friendliest people around.
There are surgeries daily (Monday to Friday) for both GP and nurses.
All surgeries for clinicians are by appointment only.
Please call the practice promptly at 08.30 am if you feel you need to be seen.
If you feel that your condition is urgent, please inform the receptionist at the time of calling.
If you feel your query can be handled over the phone, please inform the receptionist and a member of our clinical team will call you back usually on the same day.
The Health Centre and Day Hospital in Eyemouth is easily accessible via a ramp and through automatic doors.
There are surgeries four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) for GPs.
All surgeries for clinicians are by appointment only.
Please call the practice promptly at 08.30 am if you feel you need to be seen.
If you feel that your condition is urgent, please inform the receptionist at the time of calling.
If you feel your query can be handled over the phone, please inform the receptionist and a member of our clinical team will call you back usually on the same day.
Please note that there are no nursing or phlebotomy services available at this site.
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