Dr G Miles
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The three surgeries in Sherborne have been accredited as being Dementia Friendly Practices. We have just been informed that our second and third deliveries of flu vaccinations have been delayed due to 'distribution' issue on the continent. Our September clinics will go ahead as planned at The Digby Hall but we have currently suspended booking into our October Clinics.

We will update you when we know more. This is a free software for GP practices in the UK, allowing anyone in the practice to text a patient about anything they need. Medical settings are a higher risk environment and will need to be subject to more control measures than other public facilities. The delta variant is more transmissible and patients may come to the surgery when they are contagious.

It is our duty to do all we can to keep both our patients and our staff safe whilst we deliver our care. Further information regarding the new data collection can be found here.

GP Practices are legally required under Sections 259(1)(a) and 259(5) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to release this information to NHS Digital, who have been directed by the Secretary of State under the General Practice Data for Planning and Research Directions 2021 to establish and operate a system for the collection and analysis of the information specified within the Directions.
Professional standard singer - Grade 8 Distinction - Sport very keen supporter of most sports especially Bath & England rugby, Somerset & English cricket and Arsenal football.
Dressings, injections, blood tests, ear syringing, blood pressure checks, weight checks and travel advice and vaccinations.
They can also carry out chronic disease management and full health promotion screening.
Please make an appointment at the surgery or by phone.
Our district nurses work closely with the doctors at the Apples and are able to provide treatment at home.
Please note that surgery times may vary due to hospital commitments, study leave, holidays and other duties.
You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it's not a life-threatening situation.
If you run out of repeat medication when we are closed then do not ring 111, but take your repeat slip or the medication box to a local pharmacist.
If an Allied Health Professional has given you a specific phone number to call when you are concerned about your condition, continue to use that number.
Child Immunisation - Our Practice Nurses hold Childhood Immunisation clinics on Monday afternoons between 2.00 and 3.00pm.
Appointments are sent directly from the Child Health Department in Dorchester; however, it is possible to ring the surgery for an appointment.
Chiropody this service has recently moved to the Yeatman (Download More Information (.pdf)).
We encourage all asthmatic patients to have a full review annually to review their symptoms, self-management and treatment.
Current national guidelines invite all women to attend for a regular cervical smear test.
The group have put together a potential project list (see attached below) if anyone would like to participate please contact the practice.
We were asked to set up a Group that represented our current Patient Population.
We attempted to do this by approaching as many patients, in as many different ways as we could think of, to see if they were interested in joining the Patient Representation Group.
The Idea was to try and get representation from all ages and ethnic groups appropriate to our population.
Patients can access this online at the Dorset healthcare website by searching for 'outpatient physiotherapy'-.
The self-referral form can either be brought in to physiotherapy and left with reception or patients can email the form over.
Physiotherapists have skill in the assessment and treatment of injuries and conditions that affect muscles, joints and soft tissues such as low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, knee pain, recent injuries or joint and muscular pain.
Please note this service is only available at some of our community hospitals, for patients registered at selected GP practices in Dorset.
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