The Chinese Medical Centre, specialists in Acupuncture, Herbal medicine and acupressure, has been established since 1996 by Dr Li and Dr Yu. Both doctors have five years university training and are registered with the appropriate Chinese and British medical institutions. Dr Li and Dr Yu have treated over 10,000 patients over the years and enjoy a well
If you need the help of a GP, practice nurse or other health professional that works in our surgery, we are here for you. Get the right help at the right time. This means you will no longer require to use the intercom when you come to the surgery. We are kindly asking you to follow the social distancing rules and wear a face covering at all times, whilst
The NHS across Essex will be better prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases if the public follows Public Health England advice. We have put in place measures to ensure the safety of patients and staff which may mean your patient experience is subject to change. For all urgent appointment, we ask that you undertake a symptom assessment through