The aim of an eConsultation is to help you get things done without having to come in to the surgery. You can request to see/speak to a GP, request an ongoing sick note, send referral queries, register as a new patient, register for online services, send a medication query or order regular medications, update your personal/contact details and more.
If you are awaiting your 2nd dose, we will contact you around 11 weeks AFTER you have had your 1st dose to get you booked in. Our routine surgery hours are 8am - 6.30pm Monday to Friday but when the surgery is closed there are a number of ways in which the surgery can still help you. If the problem or query isn't urgent and you feel it can wait until
If you visit our surgery you may be asked to give some feedback about whether or not you would recommend us to your family and friends. How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they need similar care or treatment?. You will be asked to choose from 6 options, ranging from 'extremely likely' to 'extremely unlikely'. If
NHS Digital's daily collection of GP data will support vital health and care planning and research. If you require any information from us in accessible format such as large print, easy read or Braille, please contact the surgery on 01422 374109 or ask a receptionist. With patient's needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed
In line with current Government guidance patients are required to continue to wear a face covering in all healthcare settings. Face coverings primarily protect others, so doing so - unless exempt - is key to preventing spread of infection. We also ask that you continue to respect 2m social distancing rules and sanitise your hands upon entry and when
If you need medical help fast but it's not a life-threatening and it's not urgent enough to call 999, please call 111. If you require urgent medical attention between 6:30pm and 08:00am or at the weekend which cannot wait until the surgery is open, please call 111. Evening and weekend appointments now available. Patients can now see a local GP for routine
Bingley Medical Practice is an NHS GP surgery - the largest in Bingley, providing 12,000 local people with comprehensive, high quality health care. We offer a full range of GP services, but also several special ones including on site blood tests, ECG's, minor surgery, and direct access to GP specialists in skin conditions, and sports and joint problems
Welcome, we are King's Medical Practice; an advanced training general practice based in Normanton, West Yorkshire serving over 15000 registered patients. We strive for continuous quality improvement in patient care, a caring approach to staff, and a business approach to practice management and collaboration with other services. We treat patients from
Option 1 - Appointments and visits (8am - 12:30pm & 1.30pm to 6.00pm) Also closed from 11.15 to 11.30 for our daily staff briefing. Updated information for GPs to use for websites / newsletters The NHS is now offering vaccinations to people who. If you need urgent medical advice between the hours of 6.30 pm - 8 am weekdays, during weekends or on Bank
Do not call this number outside of these hours as you will be unable to book an appointment. 111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It's fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical