The team at Dr Panda is led by our Chinese doctor, Mr Zexin Guo (John), who has thirty years experience working in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to a wide range of alternative medicine techniques and treatments including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, exercise and much more. All forms of Chinese medicine share the common theoretical concepts of yin and yang which have been part of the Chinese philosophy for over 3000 years.
Although they are considered as alternative medicine in the western world, our medical practices have been the basis of medical care throughout Eastern Asia for millennia. Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the root of your ailment or illness and aims to treat the whole body rather than just the symptoms. We treat every patient as an individual and will offer excellent treatments that will get your body in balance, leading to a healthier and happier you.
Dr Panda is headed by our Chinese medicine practitioner, Mr Zexin Guo (John), who was a medical doctor in China.
Although they are considered as alternative medicine in the western world, our medical practices have been the basis of medical care throughout Eastern Asia for millennia. Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the root of your ailment or illness and aims to treat the whole body rather than just the symptoms. We treat every patient as an individual and will offer excellent treatments that will get your body in balance, leading to a healthier and happier you.
Dr Panda is headed by our Chinese medicine practitioner, Mr Zexin Guo (John), who was a medical doctor in China.
Acupuncture improves local blood circulation by inserting sterile needles at different points to relieve pain and recover health.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, our health is dependent on qi, the body's motivating energy, and blood, the body's vital nutrient substance.
There are many issues that can affect qi and blood flows including physical, mental and emotional factors.
These issues can include anxiety, stress, anger, fear, grief, poor nutrition, weather conditions, hereditary factors, infections, poisons and trauma.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, our health is dependent on qi, the body's motivating energy, and blood, the body's vital nutrient substance.
There are many issues that can affect qi and blood flows including physical, mental and emotional factors.
These issues can include anxiety, stress, anger, fear, grief, poor nutrition, weather conditions, hereditary factors, infections, poisons and trauma.
Should I continue with my prescribed medication while undergoing a course of Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture treatment?.
Traditional Chinese medicine treats health problems using natural remedies including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, therapeutic massage (Tuina), cupping, Taiji and more.
Treatments are focused on improving and restoring the flows of qi (energy) and blood in the body.
Traditional Chinese medicine aims to treat the root of the issue rather than just treating the symptoms.
Traditional Chinese medicine treats health problems using natural remedies including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, therapeutic massage (Tuina), cupping, Taiji and more.
Treatments are focused on improving and restoring the flows of qi (energy) and blood in the body.
Traditional Chinese medicine aims to treat the root of the issue rather than just treating the symptoms.
Walking into Liu's Chinese Medical Centre was the best thing that I have done for my health.
I have been going to the clinic for over decade now, I have been treated with nothing but kindness and professionalism from all three practitioners.
Dr's John, Maria and Edwin.
They work together in giving the best treatment needed.
Not only are the excellent Doctors but friends.
I cannot recommend enough the treatment I have received at this medical centre.
The practitioners are always friendly, caring and professional.
I have been going to the clinic for over decade now, I have been treated with nothing but kindness and professionalism from all three practitioners.
Dr's John, Maria and Edwin.
They work together in giving the best treatment needed.
Not only are the excellent Doctors but friends.
I cannot recommend enough the treatment I have received at this medical centre.
The practitioners are always friendly, caring and professional.
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