This website contains a vast range of health information and resources, along with practical information on visiting the surgery. We hope you find it useful and informative. We are a partnership of two General Practitioners, who are committed to providing high quality NHS medical care for individuals and families in a friendly and caring environment.
Please make sure you have ordered sufficient medication to cover Bank Holidays and please note that it will take a bit longer after holidays to process prescription requests. The practice would like to thank the various advertisers who have helped to produce this Website. However, it must be pointed out that the accuracy of any statements cannot be warranted, nor any products or services advertised, be guaranteed or endorsed.
Please make sure you have ordered sufficient medication to cover Bank Holidays and please note that it will take a bit longer after holidays to process prescription requests. The practice would like to thank the various advertisers who have helped to produce this Website. However, it must be pointed out that the accuracy of any statements cannot be warranted, nor any products or services advertised, be guaranteed or endorsed.
The reception staff are available to assist you with your appointments, prescriptions and provide a helpful and friendly service to all patients.
All information is totally confidential.
The receptionists have a very difficult job and work hard to provide the best possible service to our patients.
Should you have any complaints, words of praise or constructive suggestions, please ask to speak to either of the doctors, or comment in writing.
The practice nurses carry out immunisations, blood pressure checks, blood tests, removal of stitches, ear syringing, wound dressing and offer general advice.
All information is totally confidential.
The receptionists have a very difficult job and work hard to provide the best possible service to our patients.
Should you have any complaints, words of praise or constructive suggestions, please ask to speak to either of the doctors, or comment in writing.
The practice nurses carry out immunisations, blood pressure checks, blood tests, removal of stitches, ear syringing, wound dressing and offer general advice.
We adhere to high standards of confidentiality as laid down by the Data Protection Act 1998, NHS Caldicott Principles and the Health and Social Care Act 2001.
We ask you for personal information so that you can receive appropriate care and treatment.
This information is recorded in manual records and on computer.
We will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team.
However, for the effective functioning of a multi-disciplinary team, it is sometimes necessary that medical information about you is shared between members of the team.
We ask you for personal information so that you can receive appropriate care and treatment.
This information is recorded in manual records and on computer.
We will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team.
However, for the effective functioning of a multi-disciplinary team, it is sometimes necessary that medical information about you is shared between members of the team.
The GPs can see three patients in surgery in the time it takes to do one home visit.
So if you can get to the surgery, we are grateful - and if you are feeling poorly when you arrive we will see you as soon as we can.
Please use the out-of-hours service responsibly.
It is for emergencies only.
If you use it for less serious conditions it may mean that seriously ill people may be delayed from receiving medical help.
There is no casualty service at the health centre.
Injuries requiring suturing and suspected fractures should attend The Ulster/Down Hospitals or Ards Minor Injuries Unit.
So if you can get to the surgery, we are grateful - and if you are feeling poorly when you arrive we will see you as soon as we can.
Please use the out-of-hours service responsibly.
It is for emergencies only.
If you use it for less serious conditions it may mean that seriously ill people may be delayed from receiving medical help.
There is no casualty service at the health centre.
Injuries requiring suturing and suspected fractures should attend The Ulster/Down Hospitals or Ards Minor Injuries Unit.
The Government has given the Health Service quality standards which are the right of all patients.
While we agree that these standards are important we do not feel they are achievable without the help of our patients.
We ask you then to read this section bearing in mind that we will keep to the standards set if you give us the opportunity to do so.
Please inform us of changes of address, name, telephone number or other details as soon as possible in order to minimise confusion.
The Act applies to both private and NHS patients.
While we agree that these standards are important we do not feel they are achievable without the help of our patients.
We ask you then to read this section bearing in mind that we will keep to the standards set if you give us the opportunity to do so.
Please inform us of changes of address, name, telephone number or other details as soon as possible in order to minimise confusion.
The Act applies to both private and NHS patients.
We strongly support the NHS policy on zero tolerance.
Anyone attending the surgery who abuses the GPs, staff or other patients be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will be removed from the practice list.
In extreme cases we may summon the police to remove offenders from the practice premises.
Anyone attending the surgery who abuses the GPs, staff or other patients be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will be removed from the practice list.
In extreme cases we may summon the police to remove offenders from the practice premises.
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