Dr D Kinsey
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Please note that Millbarn currently has no updated information on the National Vaccination Programme in relation to booster vaccinations. Please following this link to additional information on the CCG Website regarding local vaccine clinic sites or you can also use the NHS Grab-a-Jab website. Please call 111 during this time and they will signpost you to our practice cover provider or an alternative appropriate service.

Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has either a high temperature or a new, continuous cough or loss/change to sense of smell or taste.
Stephen has been with the practice since 1991.
As well as offering a full general practice service, he has a specialist interest in general practice training, sports medicine, practice management and ENT.
Stephen works part time on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Daniel joined the practice in 2007.
As well as providing a full general practice service, he has a specialist interest in diabetic care and is also a General Practice Trainer.
Daniel works on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Millbarn Medical Centre serves the whole of Beaconsfield as well as its surrounding villages.
Our team includes four GPs, senior practice nurses, as well as our practice manager.
The car park is strictly for the use of our patients only when they are coming to the surgery for an appointment with the doctor, nurse or healthcare assistant.
Our surgery is accessible to patients using a wheelchair.
One consulting room is upstairs: please tell the receptionist if you are likely to have any difficulty when making your appointment.
You can book an appointment in a number of ways: Book an appointment by telephoning reception Call us on 01494 675303 to book an appointment.
You can telephone to be.
If you look after someone who, through illness, disability or frailty cannot manage without you, then you are a Carer.
Our doctors typically see four patients in the practice in the time it takes to do a single home visit.
For this reason, we ask our patients to come to.
BUPA / PPA / holiday cancellations 30.00 DUPLICATE COPIES OF PATIENT.
Here you can find out how to register at our practice and read other important information for patients.
Access To Personal Information Held About You Under Data Protection legislation, you have a right to access/view information we hold about you, and to have it amended should it be.
Millbarn Medical Centre aims to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients.
However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (as amended 2004) gives general right of access to all types of recorded information held by the practice.
We would like to know how you and other patients perceive our surgery and how we can improve our services.
To that end we have established a Patient Participation Group.
The PPG meets four times a year and each meeting is minuted.
If you would like to see the minutes of any of the PPG meetings, please contact the Practice.
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