National Data Opt-out: We have been informed that the proposed plan of NHS Digital collecting non-identifiable data from General Practices for Research and Health Care Planning Purposes has been temporarily postponed until further notice. We have not been informed when the collection will now take place. However, during this period you are still able
Victor Partridge —
I came for eye injection s the staff were brilliant can recommend them enough
You can now contact the surgery online to tell us about your non emergency medical problem or ask an admin question. You can ask for help anytime, anywhere within the UK, and with any device. Using Online Consultations allows us to quickly and safely decide on the best way to help you, your child, or an adult in your care. This is a non-urgent service
See our Patient Group section for an introduction to our Patient Participation Group, minutes of meetings, annual reports and how to join. In order for us to improve the services we offer, you may be asked after each appointment with the practice to complete our questionnaire. There are just two questions which will only take a few moments of your time
All staff at our Practice work together as a team to provide you with the best possible care. If you have an online account you can view basic medical information and detailed coded record through the online service. In order for us to improve the services we offer, you may be asked after each appointment with the practice to complete our questionnaire
All GP Practices in England are legally required to share data with NHS Digital under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (2012 Act). More information about this requirement is contained in the data provision notice issued by NHS Digital to GP practices. If you have previously been contacted but have not yet booked your appointments, you're still eligible