Purbeck doctors' surgery in Stantonbury provides the highest quality healthcare to patients in the Milton Keynes area. Our doctors, nurses and all our other staff are dedicated to offering a professional service and this surgery website will help us to keep all our patients up to date with news and information about our practice. We will keep it current
Please do not email the Surgery using the whccg.forestsidemedicalpractice@nhs.net to book appointments. All appointments are to be made by contacting the Surgery on 02380 844546 or 02380 871233. All the staff and Doctors within Forestside Medical Practice aim to provide the highest quality healthcare to our patients in the area.
Our doctors, nurses
You can only use this service if you have received a letter inviting you to book your vaccination appointments. If you think you should be eligible for the vaccine you can call the helpline on 119. If you already have access/ login details for patient online services, for example "Patient Access", you may use this. This must be at least 5 days after
Having been established since 1890 we are historically Oxford's longest trading horse saddle experts. Saddle Doctors is a family run business and we are all very much involved in equine pursuits on a daily basis. Remarkably, our team have 100+ yrs of the finest quality equine experience and without doubt our skills and knowledge are the secret of our
The Mote Medical practice is a five doctor, 9,800 patient practice in the south of Maidstone providing General Medical Services from its premises at St Saviours Road. We run many clinics for the management of chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes and offer a wide variety of other medical services including antenatal and postnatal care, minor
Accessibility: This site is being redesigned as it does not meet the current accessibility standards. Please use online booking as much as possible so our patients needing to contact us for urgent medical problems do not wait for long on the phone. If you do not have online access please go to our Online Access registration page of the website and send
Dear Patient, Please be advised that there is a National shortage of Blood Bottles as per Press/Newspapers. All routine blood tests are suspended initially through September. Urgent GP/Hospital requests will be reviewed and carried out accordingly. Fleet Medical Centre is now booking Seasonal Influenza Vaccinations for Over 65's, 18 - 64yrs in an at
If you are deaf and wish to gain access to the building, instead of using our intercomm system, please hold up the sign in the front lobby which says "I am deaf" and you will be admitted in to the surgery. For patients who are having difficulty with transport to the surgery, we work closely with 'Manhood Mobility' volunteer service. They offer a door
Harbour View Healthcare, Northbourne Medical Centre, and the Manor Practice are uniting to form Adur Health Partnership. Our three well-established practices are merging to become one single primary healthcare provider: Adur Health Partnership. Further details can be found on this patient information letter here.
Please note that Millbarn currently has no updated information on the National Vaccination Programme in relation to booster vaccinations. Please following this link to additional information on the CCG Website regarding local vaccine clinic sites or you can also use the NHS Grab-a-Jab website. Please call 111 during this time and they will signpost